
Adrian's musical career spans thirty years. During this time he has produced six major concept works and thirteen solo albums. He has performed extensively in the UK, throughout Europe, Israel, The United States and Australia, and has had many TV and Radio performances world-wide. He has received major commissions (BBC Radio 1 'The Virgin', Prospects 'Beautiful or What?!', Shoresh 'City of Peace') recorded with major orchestras (Royal Philharmonic 'The Passion' and the Dutch Metropole Orchestra), and TV and Radio highlights include ITV and NCRV Holland's productions of 'The Passion', HTV's special musical documentary of 'Song of an Exile' recorded at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, and BBC Radio 1's premiere broadcasts of 'The Passion' and 'The Virgin'.His albums have sold half a million copies, and his audience is drawn from the wide spectrum of those who consider themselves lovers of classical and contemporary music. Music has been his 'first love' since the age of six. He is an accomplished pianist and guitarist, and he has carried his songs on album and in concert to tens of thousands over the years.Adrian has also been a guest presenter on programmes for BBC TV (U.K), EO TV (Holland) and Heartrock TV (Israel).

Adrian's most recent album release is a new, large scale work - 'The Cry, A Requiem for the Lost Child'. This features the choir of Winchester Cathedral and the Wellspring String Ensemble alongside his own voice and that of Natasja Gorlee. Also featured is American solo violinist Rebecca Engstrom.Working within the Requiem structure, Adrian, with author Murray Watts, has woven the authentic words of children who have suffered war, conflict and ethnic cleansing. The work was originally inspired by the children's memorial at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. In the last two years Adrian has also designed and developed an interactive workshop entitled 'Music in our Lives', a concept equally relevant to musicians and non-musicians. Here an unusual and innovative use of sound and music-making is employed to encourage 'out of the box' thinking and a look at various aspects of life, communication, and relationships in unexpected and challenging ways.Adrian is also a fully trained Music Therapist holding the post graduate diploma in Music Therapy (Dip. Mus. Th.) awarded by the University of Bristol through the faculty of medicine.
