
In October 2011, I had the privilege of leading a tour group on our "Harp of David Tour" throughout the Holy Land. As our group traveled, we worshiped at some of the Biblical sites and had divine encounters. During the tour (and afterwards) I lingered at these locations and worshiped with my harp in holy places such as; the Jordan River, the Garden Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, the steps leading to the Temple Mount, the ancient site of the synagogue in Capernum where Jesus preached from Isaiah 61 (see Luke 4:18), and the Shepherd's Fields in Bethlehem. At these sites, I felt a powerful sense of God's presence and took the time to record the melodies that I played there, capturing the moment on CD for you. I hope that you will get a copy for yourself and have the opportunity to share in the experience.